How a CEREC Restoration Can Help a Damaged Tooth

How a CEREC Restoration Can Help a Damaged Tooth from R. Scott Smith DDS in Orange, CAEveryone deserves a happy, healthy smile, and with a CEREC® restoration, damaged teeth no longer need to detract from appearance or create problems with oral hygiene. This form of advanced restoration relies on a special machine that includes a computer, camera, and milling instrument to create a single-visit option for patients who want their teeth fixed. This dental technology is an efficient way to bring back luster and sparkle to the smile.

A favorable alternative to common treatments

Patients who have unsightly teeth, either from damage or decay, have several options for restoration. Three common treatments for damaged teeth include crowns, veneers, and onlays. In each case, the Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics process can provide quicker results.

With crowns, a dental cap is made to cover the tooth and restore appearance, size, and shape. Veneers use very thin, custom-fitted shells placed over the front surface of the damaged tooth. These are generally used to address misaligned, discolored, or broken or chipped teeth. Onlays are partial crowns that are fabricated to cover the biting surface of a tooth. In each of these treatments, dental labs create restorations, often over the span of several weeks. The CEREC® system, on the other hand, delivers a same-day solution.

The positive benefits

As a tool of advanced dentistry, faster restoration is just one of the benefits of this solution. It is considered a highly effective and safe way to deliver the same quality results found with traditional restoration methods. Comfort and convenience are key factors to consider when choosing between treatment options.

Fewer appointments

Lab-created teeth require the use of uncomfortable, gooey molds and potentially weeks of time before the final product is ready for bonding. The whole process could take several appointments. The chairside approach takes one appointment and relies on digital imaging and modeling for an accurate tooth rendering.

Less tooth preparation

A damaged tooth needs to be prepared for a traditional restoration, sometimes requiring the removal of healthy tooth structure. There may also be a temporary fix weakly cemented to the tooth until the permanent restoration returns from the lab. Another dental visit is required for the temporary to be pried off and the surface re-prepared for permanent bonding. A CEREC® restoration requires little tooth preparation and eliminates a long waiting period for bonding.

Better oral health

With the help of digital technology, this advanced restoration removes the concern of human error in the fabrication of the tooth. This leads to a better fitting, more comfortable restorative solution. It also eliminates small gaps that tend to occur between natural teeth and fabricated ones, reducing the potential for bacteria to collect and develop into tooth decay or gum disease. This solution is also metal-free, removing concerns of toxic metals leaching into the body.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: CEREC Dentist in Orange, CA


A one-day solution to restoring a damaged tooth brings the added benefits of greater oral health and less invasive tooth preparation. Schedule an appointment to find out whether CEREC® or another restorative option is right for you.

Request an appointment or call R. Scott Smith DDS at 714-332-4737 for an appointment in our Orange office.

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